The time has come, I have put myself back on the market. This were not working out for me in Exodus. I could explain it in detail but I still have respect for them so il just give some reasons.
I got annoyed of the schedule, taking up my evenings 3 days a week, so I decided to leave it all behind me, the downside to this is now I will be starved or blogging material, but im sure I will find something...
I have joined a PVP guild, which aren't to happy to have me, but took me in nonetheless. Im trying to think of what I can do when i'm bored. I will pvp for the time being, maybe put together a video or something. If anyone would like to suggest something to do..or invite me to an event it would be nice xP!
I could change him to horde, start fresh but I can only see 2 things happening.
Either I really enjoy it, find another awesome guild and spend another few months raiding, or, I get even more bored as I can't find anything to do and now I can't even play with my ally friends.
Meh, I might go all out and change realm aswell.
On another note, I was invited to some weird pvp tournement, looking at the invitee list, he picked one person of each class to fight for gold..seems a bit cheesey and I know I am not the best warrior on the realm (Contrast to most of my forum posts)
Oh well...more coming soon once I figure out what to write about :<
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Leaving Exodus
Posted by Sparky at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Oh blog, why have you forsaken me!
I recently applied to a raid group on my server as I wanted to raid more than I am currently. My guild is like a sister guild for it so the raid days suited. It would be a big step up from 10 mans but I was ready for it. I made an application and they switfly responded. I checked my blog every day to see if there were any comments and such left, and to my surprise it had raised by over 50 in one day. I hadn't updated, and I hadn't posted about it anywhere new, or so I thought.
It appears (unless I am mistaken) that the group I had applied to had caught wind of my blog and checked it out. This wouldn't be such a bad thing, since the fact I wrote it was for people to read, but it just seemed embarrassing. I didn't really speak about it publicly and I didn't tell my guild. Anyway, to me it looked like I would be judged unfairly so I withdrew my application.
Nothing more was said about it and my view count didn't raise any higher. I couldn't stop thinking about it and after a lot of thought I came up with two "things". Firstly i am insecure about what I type as I was hoping that only people I didn't know me could read it, so it could be personal and not revealing. Secondly, I write about my guild a lot and their progress and if I was accepted I would probably blog about the raid group too. Now I don't know if my guild cares, but the group may not like the idea of me documenting it.
I also want to point out I don't like using spell check, as I mostly write about wow a lot of words show as errors which can be annoying.
In other news, I am now obsessed with House, the hospital drama. I watch it every Sunday, right before Fringe. But lately I decided to watch the whole show from Episode 1 to where it is now. I stream it from Stagevu and I currently am half way through series 1.
I would recommend watching it!
Posted by Sparky at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Faction Champions! HARDMODE!!! [Part 17]
With all of the Tier 8 content on farm, we decided to take a week break from Ulduar hard modes and start ToTGC Hardmodes. On our first day, everyone was unsure on how hard this would actually be, from watching videos of it myself, I thought I was not geared enough for it.
In the past I had damage issues, Stacking stam when I had no Avoidance and I would easily be 2 shot by a decent boss. Now I was at 75% avoidance with a nice set of health, but still was unsure.
EDIT: I just noticed I messed up my last post, I went from Toc Hardmode to our first attempt on Normal. I will continue hardmode here instead!
Ok, Twin Val'kyr Hardmode! It started up as normal, with the portals and stuff everywhere. We knew that the Vortex and the orbs would hurt more, so we made everyone go Purple. There hp has increased by a lot. It was getting near raid end, so we only had a few attempts. (1 actually) We all stacked up on the white portal, in case we needed to switch. For the first time people starte to mess up, wheather it was the pressure or the lateness I don't know. A message came up for everyone to change to Purple, but we were already purple so it didn't matter BUT a healer and a dps messed up and changed to white, just in time to get mangled by the Dark Vortex. Not a problem though, Re-incarnate and a Combat Ress and we were back again. Everyone was purple and standing near a white portal. This time, the special ability was Twins pact, luckily the light person was casting it so all of our dps could hit it straight away, but even with us all attacking it, it was at 80% before it got interupted, this meant if the dps had to change, they had about 3 seconds for them all to do it and start burning the boss. I realised then that if we had to change to white and back to black, we would need to move.
And of course, the boss started casting Light Vortex so we all changed to light. They started dps'ing the dark one now so I moved the light one nearer to a dark portal. People didn't seem to realise why I was doing it and when the time came to change to dark, nobody was near one, twins pact got casted and we wiped. Great.
The next raid night wasn't any better, Drake can't raid with us on a Thursday so we were an Interupter down. The first boss took more attempts than our first try which wasn't a good sign. The second boss was horrible, every single time the portal opened 2 waves would come out. So it took a few wipes at it.
Faction Champions V2.o
We got a really hard setup. Last time we would burn down a Melee dps first, but this time we got two plate wearers, the retadin and the warrior. Everytime we got anyone under 20% the paladin would bubble them. We might have been able to do it, if we weren't doing bad that night, but it was the toughest set up. We tried it for a while but we didn't get far.
I had suggested a tactic, which I heard was the easiest way to do the fight, so we tried that Most of the raid didn't understand how it could work, so we still couldn't do it. I had syggested the pet tactic, where the best dps attacks the pet and the rest on a dps, this was working but the read leader didn't want to waste our strongest dps on the pet. (The way it works is the pet gets priority on healing, untill it is a 100%. So if we had someone nuking the pet, it would force the healers to heal him instead of the dps we were trying to take down) A few wipes later and people didn't believe it was working. And the RL wouldn't make the Highest dps attack him so we got nowhere.
Next Il just say whatever happens next I suppose!
Posted by Sparky at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Faction Champions! [Part 16]
We had trouble on the champs on normal, I can't remember but it took us at least a week to kill them. (Wrong tactics) At the start we had the tanks go Dps and try to nuke down a healer, but then our healers and casters got destroyed. So the next day we had a night of trying to nuke down a dps, which didn't go so well as someone would end up dying. Eventually we realised they could be taunted so me and Tank #2 switched back for some "tanking"
It was more like trying to keep a child under control in a toy shop! You could get their attention...for about 3 seconds before they go zipping off to annoy somebody. Stun after stun, taunt after taunt, it was awesome! My guild don't particularly like the fight, but I love it! We locked down 2 Dps and the rest worked on one of the healers. (I think this was pre-FoK Nerf) So we would try keep the two healers together and have Drake spam em. Sweet sweet victory was ours! AND WELL BLOODY DESERVED!
Next fight was a joke, The Twin Val'kyr or whatever you callem. We knew that we would have to change portals or something but we weren't sure. We decided the best way to learn was to just try it.
Fight Start!: We engage them, 3 Dps, A tank and a healer of each colour. We continue fighting them and one of them starts to cast Twins Pact. We just continued as normal but they healed up full. A while later, they cast it again and everyone goes to the opposite colour to Dps and Interupt it. We were all dark at this stage and everyone was damaging the light guy, the Dark guy started casting Dark Vortex but we ignored it. A few seconds later they were both dead.
A bit too easy, but that was it!
When we clicked the guy to continue, the Lich King came and spoke about something..
Then he threw us into the air and broke theground beneath us! We fell down into the Icey Depts and we walked cautiously ahead. Then, similarly to OBLIVION he just popped out of the ground, nothing to let us know he was there apart from a little yell.
A pretty simple fight, phase one he freezes the tank sometimes, doesn't hit *too* hard. (I bet my healers say diferently!) After 30 seconds or so he burrows underground and chases random people. Around the room there are clouds which, when stepped on, reduce your movement speed BUT if Anub hits them he stops for a moment and changes target. After a while P1 starts again until you hit 30%. This is where it gets interesting!
He life drains the whole raid based on their hp. If a dps is at full 20k health, he will heal Anub for around 2k per tick, but if he is at 10k its only 1k per tick, so we keep everyone at around 50% hp apart from the tank, pop heroism and nuke him down.
15 Badges is not bad! Not to mention I finally got a replacement for my Royal crest.
Posted by Sparky at 10:00 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Im back..for real...sort of! [Part erm..15ish?]
I guess I might as well start updating again. Apparantly some people actually read my blog so to all two of you, im back.. sort of.
My last im back post didn't really work out, mainly because I had nothing to blog about. 2 years of gaming summarised into a month (Or less)
I guess now I will just write about whatever comes to mind, game or not.
For starters, lets talk game! Hallows end is back and so is the headless horseman. He has the same loot table everything is just updated for 80 use. (ilevel200)
This year I thought it would be a good idea to get The Hallowed on all my characters to get some quick cash but the gold from the reward was pretty much worthless. Im hated with the BootyBay factions so I died in Gadgetzan and Bootybay. Over all I got them in a few hours and the total was around 300g.
Needless to say I was very disappointed! Since I never felt the need to buy an epic flying mount I never tried to save up (I couldn't either) Every gold I got seemed to go towards repairs or upgrades.
I always had a bank character but never found use in it, the effort of changing over to get gold seemed like a waste of time...but that was the point! I managed to put together 1000g and sent it over, keeping 200-300g on my main for repairs. Sure enough the gold is flowing in slowly but constantly! Currently I am at 2400 after a week and pretty excited! I have some of the achievement drakes and nearing in the Rusted Proto Drake so its going to be worth it! Not to mention gold will come faster while im flying faster.
Guild talk time! Exodus is going strong and im really glad to be a part of it. After taking a short break, the guild managed to clear Ulduar without me, so my break was cut short.
In the first week after clearing Yogg for the first time, we have killed 2/4 keepers on hardmode, We have also gotten I Choose You, Steelbreaker to unlock Algalon. We also have every meta achievement apart from Vezax and Yogg!
We cleared Yogg on normal this week so people could get a taste of it, we had devoted a whole night to it as we were expecting to wipe a lot (As 3 of our members hadn't even seen him yet) But we one shot him to everyone's suprise.
Then our GM said the words nobody was expecting to hear for weeks. "Toc Hardmode"
The sound of the words just sounded so right! I never thought we had a chance though...
First up, Northrend Beasts. The diference in this fight was that there was a strict 3 minute timer on each phase, and if you didn't kill the first boss within the 3 minutes, the second phase would come anyway!
All of the videos I watched showed all of the hardcore guilds getting the boss down just before the timer expired, so I assumed we would be wiping hard. If you watch the Tankspot video, they kill Gormok with 2 seconds before the next phase, we killed him with 15 to spare.
Nobody was expecting this so we were a bit unorganised on P2, and so we wiped. Second try, it was well, got to P3 and wiped. Third attempt and we defeat them all! Textbook progession if you ask me!
Second boss was hard as the adds done a weird silence/stun/lockout. None of this concerned me as a tank but it was funny nontheless watching the healers panic! Killed him in our second attempt.
Faction really deserves a post of it's own. So I think I will leave it here and update tomorrow!
Posted by Sparky at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sorry this will have to be another short one, tomorrow will have a LOT of updates, I have not been feeling well and my school just got some swine flu >.> I did record a few fights including the new boss in Archavon! See you then *cough*
Posted by Sparky at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thanks to My awesome guild yet again! (We are currently recruiting click here to check out the site [||||||] <-- Cool linky button) I managed to finish the Jeeves. I now have access to bank, mail, reagents and repairs where ever I go! Engineering might not be great for PVE apart from the gadgets but It is hella fun for PvP.
One downside to engineering Is the enchants, well one to be precise. The Mind control cap has a nice +45 stam on it, and since Im a fair bit over Def cap, I replaced my other head enchant with it. My already odd looking helm now looked even worse, it felt so wrong. I dint usually choose looks over stats but come on! You cant even disable the "show helm"Well you can but its useless. I have found that if you die while the helm is "Hidden" it will go away, until you re-equip it.
Last night we had two really great trialees. A pally tank and a Shammy healer. They were a couple in real life so it was a joint application. Even after 30 mins, actually as soon as they went on vent they were awesome. A new tanking partner is nice to have, someone to discuss tank stuff about ^^ Even though members of my guild have tank alts/mains, Its nice to have another "Always tank" tank.
It was a pretty decent raid night, it wasn't a record, but considering we had people who werent very experience it was pretty good. We also done some bosses we normally ignore such as Razorscale and the Iron council. I don't have any screenshots but I will attempt to record some bosses of our next raid, probably Hodir normal mode, Freya +1 or 2, Mimrion normal and maybe Vezax. We don't currently have Yogg down but I will record some attempts.
By the way, I am an elitist. Don't believe me? Here is a song that was made because I asked him to. Bitch.
Btw, I Exodus are recruiting 1/2 more people for our roster, If you are interested leave an application or log onto Darkmoon faire and give Matchstick a whisper!
Posted by Sparky at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
King's what now?
Ok, my awesome guild let me have the remaining 6 bars for a fraction of the AH cost. I assumed I had everything and I went to buy the last 2 epic gems. (In my last post, I spent the 20k honour on Red gems for gear, I put it in by mistake.) I had 20 emblems of heroism so I just went up to the vendor. I was about to buy 2 Ametrine when I just re-checked Jeeves recipe. I mis-read it and it said 2 King's amber, which are 20 badges each! So I was completely broke, yet so close to Jeeves.
So now Im not sure what to grind for, badges honour or gold. On my server the gems are 150g a pop, But I have 666 honour atm. (Creepy) I suppose I would go for the honour, mught get pvp badges on the way, but since school has started back, I dont have much spare time. Meh il just run around Dala begging people for money ;) The blogs may be slightly shorter, thats just because im pretty tired. Weekeds will have more in them though!
Posted by Sparky at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
Rocket Man! [Part 12]
The Pics are: What I done with the spare 200 Flares I got And Cappin the flag in mid-air and winning the Wsg!
The guilt was just too much for me, it may be just a game but it I was dealing with real people. I posted on the forums explaining who I was and that I was sorry, I then logged and left the guild. I was happy to get it off my chest but sad to leave the guild. My forum privilages werent taken away, and every so often I took a peep in them. The next day an officer from the guild replied saying that they knew all along.
I was shocked and extremely happy. I logged in and thanked them for all their kindness and for the second chance. (Could have been third, not sure >.<) I wanted to stop playing so I took a break. But 10 days later I came back and the guild said they would have me back! Everything went back to normal but now I could be open. The game quickly became fun again. Raiding slowed down a bit due to people not being able to make it, so I needed something else to do. My offspec was always PvE arms but i respecced it to pvp. Arms warrior pvp was incredible. After watching some videos from masters like Swifty I had improved. The first day I went all out and grinded Bgs. I got 50k honour and bought the pvp shoulders. I had some spare points from arena and honour so i bought the gloves too. I done this for about a week, and doing Wintergrasp whenever I could. After 8 days I had nearly full hateful. The cape/necklace/boots/rings or deadly and a dew Titan-forged bits. I joined a 2v2 and 3v3 with Drake and Nick and our 2v2 was very successful. Coming close to hot streak withing out first 10 matches, only to lose on our 8th match against a ret pally duo. Our pvp was cut short because of the season change. Since then, Drake leveled up his pally and now we are thinking of making a cleave team. Arms warrior / Ret pally / Holy pally. Just need a ret pally now. We were thinking of asking Val, but he just recently got back from a 3 month break so he needs to gear/ skill up! We tried to do this on the tournament realm but we all played classes we had no experience with. I wanted to have as big advantage as possible so I picked up engineering. 3 days and 3k gold later, here I am grinding the last of the mats I need for Jeeves. I got rocket boots, slowfall cloak and the rocket hands.I also noticed that the Mind control cap
had a nice 45 stam enchant on it, so I replaced it with the 32 stam/ 20 def one. My help now looked like a weird mind cap >.> And i cant hide helm. Looks arent as good as gear, but come on. I dont want to look like an idiot just to get high hp. My first WsG was pretty fun, i got the flag first and waxs running though mid-feild. I say a few melee horde mounting behind me so I thought i would catch them out, I click on my rocket boots and shoot up our tunnel. Laughing to myself I slowly walk onto the flag, waiting for the "The alliance have captured the flag" emote. Nothing happened. My exact words were "OH SHI-" It seems rocket boots removes the flag >.> They are pretty fun to have, but nearly useless. Cant be used in arenas, cant be used while carrying a flag. Only real use to get out of a sticky spot, as long as your not dazed, hamstringed, chained, slowed, frosted..and the list goes on.
It didn't bother me. Archy and I do battlegrounds daily to grind some honour/ badges. He wants the mount, I wanted the honour. Just spent 20k on getting 2 epic gems for my epic butler. If anyone would like to donate 6 Titansteel bars, go ahead ;P
The grind for jeeves wasn't that long. Once I hit 450 I went and got the Scrapbot quest from Storm peaks, and a few frost steel tubes from the striping of mobs. After getting the mats to make 20, i flew back to get Jeeves. After 30 mins, over 200 random greys, a tube, 14 cobalt bolts and 20 Triggers, he dropped. The mats looked reasonable, but I needed to get the other recipes, eg fused wiring, repair bot 74A/110g. Started in Shat to get the fused wiring, then flew to Blades edge. Got it pretty fast and moved to BRD. I got lost and didn't have the key so I killed myself and got the ghost quest. After getting attuned and stuff I got the recipe. After peeking at the mats for both, I needed some OL mats. After a quick google, Khorium Power Core seems to be sold in Netherstorm. Of course when i get there the guy is sold out. I hs and check the ah, Khorium bars / ore are only in stacks and are around 1k gold per <.< I whispered the guy selling them but he didnt want to break them from the stack. I was nearly going to buy them when I checked the guild bank. There were 20 110g bots in there! I took the 10 I needed and deposited the last bit of gold I had. I got Archy to make me some Delicate copper wire for the fused wiring and made the 2 74A bots. Also I got him to craft a titansteel bar since my one was on CD. Now once I get 6 more bars, I have one of the coolest Items in the game!
Posted by Sparky at 4:44 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
[Update] Just a note...
Just want to give you guys a short update. My story is nearly done meaning I need to find something to Blog about. From then on I will be blogging about what is happening during the day, aswell as the sometimes off-topic posts. Hope you like!
Posted by Sparky at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Notarcaniac - Chexer - Laochran - Matchstick [Part 11]
So yeah, I trasferred my warrior back onto Darkmoon Faire with Matchstick. Once I whispered the Leader of Optima, I got an invite to the channel. Suddenly my rogue was rotated out of the raid, even though we were short a few dps. They were in "dire" need of a tank so of course I didn't turn the spot down. We were doing well and we decided not to bother attempting Kologarn again, Instead we went to Ignis. I had a lot of experience tanking the adds here from Nagrand, so I already knew what to do. It seemed to be taking a lot of time to lower his hp, the Dps was really lacking. Also the tanking of the boss was horrible, the scorch patches were all over the place.
After another night of wiping, everyone was getting annoyed. I knew I was going to be dragged into this so I applied to Vendetta on my warrior while I was on Nagrand. Nobody knew who I was so there should be no reason for me to be declined, they were in need of a tank. Well, the leader of Optima knew but he said he wouldn't tell anyone.
I got accepted and the next day I logged on, I was about to whisper an Officer for an invite but someone from the guild whispered me before I got a chance. It was an alt of an officer and all they said was "Hello Chexer" I wasn't sure who this was at the time, but after a quick /who I knew I was caught. He was really smug, as if he had put all the clues together and worked out a puzzle. I was really frustrated, as now I had no options, this person didn't care about me, so whats stopping him from telling the whole server? Getting me blacklisted all over again? Of course I was declined but a friend of mine who was in the guild started getting blamed. Nick, who was a member of Vendetta, never told the guild that I was who I was. They seemed to not understand we were just friends and he was helping me get into a good guild.
He was thinking of applying to a diferent guild. He shortly left Vendetta and stayed guildless for a while. Nick rejoined again, weather he was asked to, or he wanted to im not sure. His friend from a top ranking guild joined his guild aswell so he had a few friends in it.
The guild Castellum split apart into another guild during this time. They were in need of a tank and I knew it had friendly people in it. I applied hoping they did't know who I was, hoping that someone who disliked me would keep a secret for me. He said he wouldnt tell anyone but surely enough the rumour got out.
I found myself trialed in an Exodus raid (The guild that formed from Castellum) and it was nice to be progressing. It seemed to be going really fast as I was so used to getting 1 or 2 bosses down a night. I really enjoyed it and I was accepted. People were nice to me so I knew they didn't hear. After a while I started feeling guilty. I felt as if these people had taken me off the streets and now I was stealing from them. If kept building and building inside of me..
Untill I blurted it out.
Part 12 will just continue from here, see you then!
Labels: Castelum, Chexer, Drakest, Exodus, Nick, Optima., Val, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick
Posted by Sparky at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hobbs Pulls SM Cath in under 3:30. <- In reply to this I decided to do my own video to try do it in the same time or less! See how it went!
Will post more tomorrow! Enjoy!
Posted by Sparky at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Travel sickness. [Part 10]
[Random Picture Alert]
At first, when me and (Val is recik, he stopped playing a Dreanei Paladin and made a human paladin!) Val discovered Recruit - a - Friend, we thought that the person who recruited could grant levels, After buying the expansions and game we realised this wasn't the case. But the x3 Exp was fun. I heard warriors were fun, so I picked a warrior and Val picked a mage and we just started leveling.
It was way faster than normal leveling, we got to 20 within a few hours. We agreed that we would try level to 80 together, but it didn't work out so well. In fact, me and my friends tried several times to make a "leveling alt group" but we all had different play times, sometimes one person wouldn't want to level, others someone would want to level on their own.
This time it actually worked out, mostly. Once we hit 60, which was in less than a week real time, Val wanted to take a break, go rp and such. I really started enjoying warriors so I kept going. I don't remember Outland but it was pretty short. Entered it at 60 left at 68. Triple Exp was gone but it didn't slow me down that much. Once I hit 68 it was straight to Northrend. That's when it started to slow down, It was a change from going to anywhere between 3-20 levels a day to just 1-2. I kept going and soon enough I was 80. I didn't put much effort in gearing up to begin with, I disliked heroics. They seemed very repetitive. While I was still in blues, I applied to Castellum as a tank. They were pretty stuffed on tanks and I didn't have an off-spec.
I don't know why but I felt I needed to change server, meet new people, different play styles, so I looked on the Alliance recruitment page. After searching through pages I found one guild on the server Nagrand that seemed to have everything I was looking for. Starting Ulduar, raid days were nice, as well as their times. I made an alt and saw that there was usually members online so I made an application. I was accepted and I transferred over. It was pretty weird, it felt different. I whispered an Officer and I got invited, I was greeted and felt at home. They went back to naxx a few times to help me gear up and soon I was ready for action. Tanking was fun but it was very stressful. I had to concentrate non-stop. But it was good fun downing bosses.
I found myself logging on Chexer during the daytime to talk to my friends and then Back on Laochran at night. (My warrior)Eventually raids were called off to a lack of members but nobody seemed to care. I understand if people have to go somewhere they can be excused, but people were making no effort, after a few weeks I got fed up. They didn't even notice me. The "Trial" rank was supposed to be for at max a week. After months/weeks they never changed it.
I left the guild but I didn't know any other guilds on the realm... I logged on my warrior less and less until I stopped playing all together. I found a raid group on my rogue, they already had 3 rogues but they trialed my anyway. I was second on the dps charts to my surprise in my first raid. After another trial I was accepted. It was perfect, I didn't need to be in a guild and I could still raid. I made myself a bank guild and just filled it up. The progression was a bit behind of the Nagrand guild. The raid group "Optima" got Flame Lev and XT down and that's about it, after days of wiping constantly on Kologarn we finally got him down. But when we tried it again the next week we couldn't down him. I noticed that people in the raid didn't have a clue what they were doing. The healers were decently geared but they weren't very skilled. The tanks stacked stamina so they were getting hit hard.
After more weeks of wiping on Kologarn I told them that I had a tank on another realm. I transfered him over and had to change his name to something. I usually get my inspiration for names from my surroundings. I look around my desk for something I could use. Mouse? Ipod..? Bottle..? I lifted up my keyboard and there was a little piece of wood hidden underneath it.
Next it will be about Optima screwing me over.
[I done all of my leveling on one computer so il post some pictures of it once I get home. For now il just add a few random onces!]
Labels: Drakest, icecrown, Nick, noob, scourge, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick ronuk fionnach, wrath of the lich king
Posted by Sparky at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ch-ch-ch-chexer? [Part 9]
As you might have guessed I changed Notarcaniac's gender and name. It took a while to think of a decent name but in the end, I found one that suited. After it was all done I logged on, the few people that knew me spammed me with whispers, who I was, why I got a name change etc. I really liked the new appearance, the animations were pretty cool and my name was short and sweet!
During a wintergrasp I saw an officer of Vendetta, the guild i was apparently declined from because of my gear. I challenged him to a duel and funnily enough I beat him. Soon after he whispered me saying I should apply to his guild... I replied that I wasn't sure my gear was up for it. He said that gear didn't matter, and it wasn't that bad anyway.
I was annoyed and happy at the same time, annoyed about how people were treating me, but sort of relieved that I could put it behind me. I was determined to make a good impression. After days of studying and learning about my class I applied. This time specced Mutilate with the best blues the AH could buy! Sure enough I was accepted and the raiding ensued. It was much more fun than I thought it would be, there was something about the about of teamwork that went on that really made it worth while.
As I started gearing up, with a "Rotation" my dps was really increasing, usually in the top 3. I loved the amount of buffs, flasks and food that was in the raid. Everything just seemed so powerful. As I knew how to behave in a proper guild, well sort of, I tried to be nice to everyone, but i tried a little too hard. It seemed nobody understood my sense of humour and some people took offence to it. During one raid of OS, we had a semi pug/ semi guild run. We had wiped once but that was due to the pugs. What i saw next was the dragon running towards a mage in out group, after killing her, and the raid. I said "Hehe Nice going" Oops.
She didn't take it so well and started flaming me, spamming about how it was shamans totem. I told her to calm down but she didn't stop. I started to really annoyed so I whispered her that I made a mistake and she should just shut up. I heard nothing from her after , but shortly after my chat log says "You have been kicked from Vendetta" Or whatever the kick message is.
BullS*&T, so yet again I was guildless, yet again I had a bad reputation. I can't remember what happened next, somehow people knew who I was again and I was being denied from everthing yet again. At this point I really thought I was going to quit the game. But no, you can't just quit the game.
Next il talk about what was to be my last attempt at cleaning my rep.
Labels: 3.2.2, 80, arcaniac, Castellum rogue, combat, Drakest, event, icecrown, Ironblade, Nick, noob, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick, wrath of the lich king
Posted by Sparky at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ding, ding, ding! [Part 8]
Ok after 73 leveling slowed down a great deal for me. I put less and less effort into the levels and it goes down to 1 every 3-4 days. At around 76 I /who Naxx and there are already some 10 man teams going. Im getting pretty frustrated but I keep leveling. Once I hit 77 I grab Cold winter flying and go straight to Sholazar, the new terrain was a nice change. Around this time, Nick hit 80 followed by Drake. Recik was still under level 70 but Rp'ing away.
I never like killing quests, weather it was in Stranglethorn, Nagrand or Sholazar. Killing beasts mindlessly just wasn't fun. As soon as i hit 78 in flew to the Storm Peaks, it was snowy, but the quest chains were awesome. My favourites were the Sons of Hodir chain and the Brunnhildar Village ones. Once they were finished I skipped the rest and went to Icecrown. I was pretty excited about nearing 80 so I started ploughing through the quests. The same day i hit 79 was the same day i Dinged 80!
Now it was time for heroics and raids. At this point I was still clueless about my class. I was combat specced but I never used poisons or Slice and Dice. It was pretty embarrassing being out DPS'ed by everyone. After doing some heroics and getting some Pvp gear i decided it was time to raid, I checked out the forums and saw a guild named Vendetta were recruiting rogues, this was the guild Nick was in. I knew my gear sucked but I applied anyway.
Sure enough I got denied but i suspected it wasn't because of my gear. Ironblade, the guild i was in first, had fell apart into Castellum and Ironblade. I also applied to Castellum but again i was declined. After pretty much being denied from all the raiding guilds on the server, I hadn't a clue what I should do. When I was on my account management page, wondering if i should cancel my account or not, I noticed the character customization tab... I knew how i was going to start fresh.
Next time il write about the name change/sex change and a few surprising turn of events!
Labels: 80, arcaniac, Castellum rogue, combat, Drakest, icecrown, Ironblade, Notar, Notarcaniac, sex change, World of warcraft, wrath of the lich king
Posted by Sparky at 12:29 PM 0 comments
[New Proffesion Recepies]
First off, I want to say that I think its great that blizz see that bringing a class just for their buffs is idiotic. Here you can see that Blizzard are giving certain professions the ability to re-create buffs of different classes.
- Runescroll of Stamina - Snowfall Ink, Resilient Parchment x 5 - Increases Stamina by 165 for all party and raid members for 1 hr.
- Drums of Forgotten Kings - Heavy Borean Leather x 8, Icy Dragonscale x 8 - Gives all members of the raid or group the Blessing of Forgotten Kings, increasing total stats by 8% for 30 min.
- Drums of the Wild - Heavy Borean Leather x 4, Jormungar Scale x 20 - Gives the Gift of the Wild to all party and raid members, increasing armor by 750, all attributes by 37 and all resistances by 54 for 1 hr.
And also they see that Abyss crystals are becoming less valuable since they can be obtained by the ToC. So a new enchanting recipe has also been introduced.
- Abyssal Shatter - Disenchants an abyss crystal into greater cosmic essence or infinite dust.
Hopefully this will lower the price of cosmic/infinite materials.
Another thing I noticed about 3.2.2 is the heavy Fan of Knives Nerf in throwing specialisation.
- Fan of Knives now causes 105% weapon damage with daggers (down from 150%) and 70% weapon damage with all other weapons. (Down from 100%)
- Throwing Specialization no longer affects Fan of Knives.
This will make certain fights much harder such as Vezax and even some heroic achievements like Less-rabi
Labels: 3.2.2, patch, World of warcraft Cataclysm
Posted by Sparky at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Go go RP-GG [Part 7]
Ok, I bought Wrath of the Lich King the first day it came out, It was the collector's edition. Not sure why I bought the collector one, the box just looked amazing! I put the discs in and it started installing. I rooted through the box to find other goodies. There were some cards for the Tcg but I ignored them. There was a special card that had a code on it. I looked up on the Internet and it was a code to buy cookies for a pet. Cool! Also, while I was online I upgraded my account to support WotLK.
I dusted off my XBOX and slotted in the DVD in the box. It was a behind the scenes for the game. Pretty cool but all I could think about was the game. By this time Drake told me about skype and I bought a mic. We could talk endlessly, so I called him up and he also bought the collectors edition.
Mine installed first and I logged into the game. I had no idea what i wanted to do first. Make a DK or start leveling. I thought there would be plenty of time for a Death Knight so I popped on Notar. It was pretty cool. I went to the newly opened docks in Stormwind, and popped on the Northrend boat. (I thought this was the only boat to Northrend, I never noticed the one from Minethil.)
I flew through the first 2 levels and wanted a change of plan. I searched for a portal to Dalaran and made it my HS. It was a nice city, smaller than Shattrath but OK. It had a sewer but no Auction house. I wondered the Alliance area and found a portal to Wintergrasp. I didn't know what it was but I hopped in anyway. After it loaded i checked the map and I was still in Northrend. It looked like some sort of battle area, since the battle wasn't on, I couldn't use any of the Vehicles so I picked up an RP-GG and tested it out. After this mess about i checked the /who and there was only one person at level 75. That night I was really excited about waking up, it seems the only reason I went to sleep was so I could wake back up.
The game was really fun and I loved the new dungeons, it seemed that I could start fresh at level 80. That wasn't the case. Next Il go through my last few levels and some changes at level 80.
Labels: arcaniac, event, Ironblade, Nick, noob, pvp mage, RP-GG, wintergrasp, World of warcraft Cataclysm, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick ronuk fionnach, wrath of the lich king
Posted by Sparky at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The scourge flips out! [Part 6]
Righto, the scourge event starts. I start to see some bodies in Stormwind.. It was pretty confusing. I just assumed horde attacked. I then saw a ghoul attacking a guard in the trade district.
Argent healers and forces appear in all major cities and the attacks start to increase. These ghouls attack the AH blowing up and infecting everyone inside. It wasn't too bad.. 10 minute timer and several healers around the city. Il just stay and fight them off for a while.
I log on the next day and I get infected, I ran to my usual healer but he isn't there, scourge must have killed him. I run to the inn get cleansed. Somehow I was cutting it close with only around 2 mins left on the disease. Turns out the timer was getting shorter, and the healers were being removed. I went afk near a healer to surf the Internet, stick on some music. I come back and i died. I ress myself and go afk again, but when I come back, I was infected. I was going to explode and ress, but i started having some fun. I Organised a raid to Westfall to try infect some NPC's and lowbies.
After a long run and several deaths we made to Westfall. We start to attack everything in sight but then a few Alliance come along and start killing us. It seemed like a lot of effort to be wasted. There was notably 1 Paladin killing most of us, I whisper her telling her to stop but her reply is "She is Role-playing" This angered me so I flipped out at her. ( I know i shouldn't have but anyone who has tried this would know how frustrating it could be)
Turns out this paladin is a good friend of my guild leader and next thing I know I'm out. I got blacklisted from this point, denied from guilds/Groups so i just went solo for a while. After a few fail attempts at making a guild, the New expansion comes out.
Il just leave it here for today, got ANOTHER movie to watch! (I defiantly recommend "50 Dead men walking" Its about the Irish republican army when there was war in Belfast, a really great movie)
Next time, I will talk about the Expansion (Wotlk) and my leveling through it. Will have a lot of Screenies too!
Labels: arcaniac, event, Ironblade, Nick, noob, pvp mage, scourge, World of warcraft Cataclysm, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick, wotlk 50 dead men walking, wrath of the lich king
Posted by Sparky at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Cataclysm Trailer HQ
Are you as excited as I am? Personally I can't wait for the new races, it will be amazing to play a worgen. I was thinking of re-rolling to a worgen, but with the added feature of new quests, areas, dungeons, and the revamping of old areas, it will seem as if it is a completely new game!
Labels: World of warcraft Cataclysm
Posted by Sparky at 6:31 AM 0 comments
The learning begins! [Part 5]
As a rogue i enjoyed the combo point system, I loved being a melee, getting in on the action. I leveled faster too, I was 10 in no time. I managed to get some of my friends, Drake and Recik, to start playing wow. Drake rolled a rogue also, and Recik was a Dreanei paladin. We rocked the levels and soon we hit 58. (I couldn't find a screen shot of us walking through the Dark ask if Drake has it)
And into Outland we were. We got another friend from school "Nick" to join, we was a typical noob at first, when he learned how to whisper, me and Drake got bombarded with questions, he quickly learned and boomed through the levels faster than any of us.
I had hit 60, and was going on holidays for 3 weeks. In that time, Nick managed to get to 70 first, followed by Drake. Recik on the other hand decided to take the RP route. when I came back i was amazed at how fast Nick learned the game, he started teaching me a few things about it. Drake was more knowledgeable about rogues than I and Recik had made a name for himself on the RP front.
I was eager to catch up. At this point I still thought i knew a lot about the game, but i was wrong. The real learning started when I hit 70 and i started doing heroics. Now people were judging me based on my gear. New dungeons called heroics, which were just harder versions of normals, were what I needed to do. As i hit 70 late, people had already moved onto raiding. I didn't have the gear to do heroics, yet I couldn't find groups for normals.
Eventually I saw that a new raiding guild called
I was a bit reckless and immature, I also didn't take criticism very well. I knew very little about my class and couldn't pull off more than 500 dps. The word rotation meant nothing to me. For bad behaviour I received 2 strikes in Ironblade and was on my last chance. Things seemed to cool down for a while and I started to feel apart of the community.
That was, of course, until the scourge invasion...
Labels: arcaniac, event, Ironblade, Nick, noob, scourge, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick
Posted by Sparky at 6:00 AM 0 comments
A Legend was born...Of some sort. [Part 4]
One of the main reasons we had upgraded to a faster Internet connection, was specifically for the game, but since it took around 6 months to sort out, I ended up not even using it. Right before the start of the summer holidays, my parents announced that they would be having a divorce. I had known for a while but hearing still upset me. My mam moved out to a house that was a 5 minute drive from my old house. (I think they wanted me to feel close to home) It was fine by me.
After this, I needed something to do. I needed something to keep my from wandering. I bought a 3d jigsaw, but i got bored fast. I get Black & white and Devil may cry for the PC but my computer wasn't strong enough to play DMC. Before school ended, one of my new friends mentioned he played a game called Guild Wars. I called him up and he gave me the Details. So me, Drake and Lee (Not their real names, but their toons..Well actually "Lee" Named his toon after bought nightfall and it was actually pretty fun.
Lee stopped after a few days but me and Drake keep on going. Another guy from my class "Vylin" started playing. This was OK for the first few months but after a while, i started thinking about Warcraft. I decided to give it a go, somehow I had time left on it, fired it up, but I forgot which server i was on. I made a new toon on Bronze Dragonflight, thinking it was Darkmoon Faire. I got a mage to level 10. I asked Ron and fionnach if they wanted to start playing again. They said no, but they also told me what server they were on.
Over the summer they go to level 40+. I started playing when school started again and it was pretty fun too. I was as bad a noob can get, but I thought I was amazing :P. As a level 37 mage, i started to get very annoyed. I wasn't very skilled so I i was getting hit, and as a clothie, I was getting 1 shot. So I decided to reroll a human rogue. (I forgot to mention that once I restarted playing, I didn't want to play my hunter. so i made a mage.)
My gnome mage's name was reported several times (As Darkmoon Faire is a RP server) I can't remember his first name but they went like this. "Name 1" " gnomedepo" "Pvpmage" "FireMage" After that I put a lot of effort into thinking what name I should pick. The song Maniac on the dance floor, had just come on the radio. It got me thinking... and Arcaniac was born.
Arcaniac might have been an old skool troll, if i knew what that was. His hobbies were, begging, spamming trade, insulting people. Dunno why though!
Anyway, I was messing around which characters i should make...Paladin seems good. Might even go horde... Then i picked a rogue. And what was his name? The only thing i could think of.
(I would like to point out that Drake was playing guildwars long before he mentioned it to me, we has a respected player on it. Also, my story makes it seem that I roleld a rogue before Drake, this is not true. He started playing while I was on my mage, shortly after i made a rogue. HAPPY NOW DRAKE? :D)
Labels: arcaniac, noob, pvp mage, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick, World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick ronuk fionnach
Posted by Sparky at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Broad band, Finally! [Part 3]
Righto, where was I..
Oh yeah, I finally could play the game. And at first i didn't know what to think. It wasn't as good as I expected but i couldn't stop playing. It was addicting, even during the lower levels.
I got to level 4 before I had to leave Ron's house, it I guess.
When i got home i forgot for a moment that, yet again, I couldn't play.
Every so often ron would invite me over but each time I could only play less and less. Eventually we got Broadband, well sort of. We were supposed to get broadband but the person who installed it made a rats arse of it. When I tried to use it, nothing happened. after caling the company, they insisted that I Broke it somehow. By this time i was very frustrated. Eventually i got over it and started despising the game.
I moved on with my life, the first expansion came out "The Burning Crusade" but i still felt no need to play, even though my broadband was fixed. (Turns out it wasn't my fault, but they still charged us something like €100 for making them come out to fix their mess)
That was untill, i started Secondary school. (Not sure what people call it in the Uk or US. High school? )
Gonna watch a movie now, will update tomorrow! Good Night!
Labels: World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick ronuk fionnach
Posted by Sparky at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Names, Names, Names! [Part 2]
Ok, so At this point i had a name picked out for my character. I used this to make the account but i still needed a password. I never needed to make a password for anything, so I just typed what came to mind, i have been using some form of this in nearly everything i make. A random few words, couple of numbers and I was set!
I try to log in but it takes a while, but i eventually get to the selection screen. I pick a random server, Bronze Dragonflight or Bonzebeard (Can't remeber) And i realised...Tauren can't be Alliance! SHOCK HORROR. This pretty much screws up any sort of idea i had about playing the game. Since i didn't want to be a Hordie, I selected a Night Elf. Since the idea of owning a pet excited me, I chose the hunter class.
I log in, slowly (Not for dramatic effect, but i still had 52k Dial up) and i Disconnect. This was the first of many Dc's i faced in this game. I try again and manage to get in, another intro plays but i take not notice. I mash the keyboard trying to skip it. Something must have done it as now i was standing in the middle of a forrest, with a fellow elf standing on front of me.
I walk to to him, and i don't know what to do. I notice that hitting enter brings up a space to enter text. I and pretty bad at spelling and typing but I put effort into greeting him.
No Reply :(
He has a golden mark over his head so i check the manual. I see he isnt a player... but an "NPC" this was also my first facepalm moment. I go up and click, nothing happens. I right click, nothing happens. I try to run around for a bit, I Dc'ed again. After a while of not being able to interact, i get frustrated and watch the TV. I should wait for Ronuk and Fionnach anyway. (My friend's first toon names.)
Two days later I wake up from a call saying that Ronuk was nearly finished installing, and Fionnach was near finishing too. Our Trio was complete! I told them my server, and instructed them on making an account. They were also devistated on not being able to make Tauren, but alas life goes on. Ronuk made a hunter while fionnach made a druid, we were steadily making haste!
They say they are logged on, so I start to mash "Enter World"
After the annoying 3 minute wait, I was in, I could see my friends but they were teleporting around. I thought they had figured something that i wasnt aware of.. I wish that was the case.
I had incredible lag, I cant remeber the latency but it must have been skyhigh. I call Ron up and ask him what I should do, because I can't interact with anything. He just keep telling me to right click on the NPC's. I mash away but nothing works. After months waiting (or at least what felt like months) I couldn't play. I was let down heavily.
We decided to hold a conference and Ron's house about what we should do, Fionn also brings his laptop. We end up taking turns on playing on the Desktop and Laptop. I could finally play!
The others had managed to get to level 5 and i was determined to catch up on them.
Posted by Sparky at 9:53 AM 0 comments
The Start of a new world. [Part 1]
This is around December 2006, i saw an advert on the TV that blew me away. A game, that was not on a console, that looked enjoyable. After telling a few of my friends, they both agreed with me. After searching for information about it for countless hours, we had picked our class, race, names, server etc. We had missed one major point.. The game was a monthly subscription. Since it was nearing christmas, I asked my parents if they could buy the game for me. After much debate (and begging) They said they would pay for the subscription, my friends had also gotten their parents too.
At this time, I was very impatient. It was December 23rd and i could not wait another 2 days to play. Once a year i was allowed open 1 present before Christmas eve, I knew which one i was going to pick!
After unwrapping it, i saw a manual inside. It was small but had a lot of pages, after flicking through it, i noticed it was full of useful information. My computer was not the fastest of machines, and with 5 Cds to install, i had a few hours to spare.
I took the book to my room and started at page 1. Well..not really i skipped to around page 10, where it started talking about the game. It was amazing!
(Sorry about the next part being in Bold, i screwed with something and it didnt work. Sorry!)
Just when i thought i couldn't be more excited, i found a goldmine of fun. All this excitement.. I dont think I even felt this happy on Christmas morning.
After a few hours installing, I heard a loud noise coming from the Desktop, it was the Into to the game, it had finally installed. After watching the starting cinematic, I sat there in awe, drooling. At my age, i didnt know people could design such life-like animations. Once it passed, i say at the log-in screen wondering what to do. I checked my manual and it said i needed to make an account.
I think il leave it here for now, will update later. Hope your enjoying it so far.
Labels: World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick
Posted by Sparky at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Hey There!
Well, here it goes. Another blog in the masses of them.
Before i start, i would like to point out that i have no experience in writing and my spelling can sometimes be outragous.
I have been playing an MMO for the best of the last 3 years. I have spent countless hours at my desk, questing or grinding. I will now try and share my story with you. If you decide that you are not interested, feel free to move on. But for those of you who stay, i hope you get some sort of entertainment from these.
Bit of a backround story, I am a kid, living in Ireland. Where I live, not many people play World of Warcraft. They know it as the game that was being made-fun of on a popular cartoon. I did have some friends that played, but one by one they came to their senses. Here we go...
Labels: World of warcraft Sparky warrior Matchstick
Posted by Sparky at 8:03 AM 0 comments