Sunday, August 30, 2009

Notarcaniac - Chexer - Laochran - Matchstick [Part 11]

So yeah, I trasferred my warrior back onto Darkmoon Faire with Matchstick. Once I whispered the Leader of Optima, I got an invite to the channel. Suddenly my rogue was rotated out of the raid, even though we were short a few dps. They were in "dire" need of a tank so of course I didn't turn the spot down. We were doing well and we decided not to bother attempting Kologarn again, Instead we went to Ignis. I had a lot of experience tanking the adds here from Nagrand, so I already knew what to do. It seemed to be taking a lot of time to lower his hp, the Dps was really lacking. Also the tanking of the boss was horrible, the scorch patches were all over the place.

After another night of wiping, everyone was getting annoyed. I knew I was going to be dragged into this so I applied to Vendetta on my warrior while I was on Nagrand. Nobody knew who I was so there should be no reason for me to be declined, they were in need of a tank. Well, the leader of Optima knew but he said he wouldn't tell anyone.

I got accepted and the next day I logged on, I was about to whisper an Officer for an invite but someone from the guild whispered me before I got a chance. It was an alt of an officer and all they said was "Hello Chexer" I wasn't sure who this was at the time, but after a quick /who I knew I was caught. He was really smug, as if he had put all the clues together and worked out a puzzle. I was really frustrated, as now I had no options, this person didn't care about me, so whats stopping him from telling the whole server? Getting me blacklisted all over again? Of course I was declined but a friend of mine who was in the guild started getting blamed. Nick, who was a member of Vendetta, never told the guild that I was who I was. They seemed to not understand we were just friends and he was helping me get into a good guild.

He was thinking of applying to a diferent guild. He shortly left Vendetta and stayed guildless for a while. Nick rejoined again, weather he was asked to, or he wanted to im not sure. His friend from a top ranking guild joined his guild aswell so he had a few friends in it.

The guild Castellum split apart into another guild during this time. They were in need of a tank and I knew it had friendly people in it. I applied hoping they did't know who I was, hoping that someone who disliked me would keep a secret for me. He said he wouldnt tell anyone but surely enough the rumour got out.

I found myself trialed in an Exodus raid (The guild that formed from Castellum) and it was nice to be progressing. It seemed to be going really fast as I was so used to getting 1 or 2 bosses down a night. I really enjoyed it and I was accepted. People were nice to me so I knew they didn't hear. After a while I started feeling guilty. I felt as if these people had taken me off the streets and now I was stealing from them. If kept building and building inside of me..

Untill I blurted it out.

Part 12 will just continue from here, see you then!


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