Monday, August 24, 2009

Names, Names, Names! [Part 2]

Ok, so At this point i had a name picked out for my character. I used this to make the account but i still needed a password. I never needed to make a password for anything, so I just typed what came to mind, i have been using some form of this in nearly everything i make. A random few words, couple of numbers and I was set!

I try to log in but it takes a while, but i eventually get to the selection screen. I pick a random server, Bronze Dragonflight or Bonzebeard (Can't remeber) And i realised...Tauren can't be Alliance! SHOCK HORROR. This pretty much screws up any sort of idea i had about playing the game. Since i didn't want to be a Hordie, I selected a Night Elf. Since the idea of owning a pet excited me, I chose the hunter class.

I log in, slowly (Not for dramatic effect, but i still had 52k Dial up) and i Disconnect. This was the first of many Dc's i faced in this game. I try again and manage to get in, another intro plays but i take not notice. I mash the keyboard trying to skip it. Something must have done it as now i was standing in the middle of a forrest, with a fellow elf standing on front of me.

I walk to to him, and i don't know what to do. I notice that hitting enter brings up a space to enter text. I and pretty bad at spelling and typing but I put effort into greeting him.

No Reply :(

He has a golden mark over his head so i check the manual. I see he isnt a player... but an "NPC" this was also my first facepalm moment. I go up and click, nothing happens. I right click, nothing happens. I try to run around for a bit, I Dc'ed again. After a while of not being able to interact, i get frustrated and watch the TV. I should wait for Ronuk and Fionnach anyway. (My friend's first toon names.)

Two days later I wake up from a call saying that Ronuk was nearly finished installing, and Fionnach was near finishing too. Our Trio was complete! I told them my server, and instructed them on making an account. They were also devistated on not being able to make Tauren, but alas life goes on. Ronuk made a hunter while fionnach made a druid, we were steadily making haste!

They say they are logged on, so I start to mash "Enter World"

After the annoying 3 minute wait, I was in, I could see my friends but they were teleporting around. I thought they had figured something that i wasnt aware of.. I wish that was the case.

I had incredible lag, I cant remeber the latency but it must have been skyhigh. I call Ron up and ask him what I should do, because I can't interact with anything. He just keep telling me to right click on the NPC's. I mash away but nothing works. After months waiting (or at least what felt like months) I couldn't play. I was let down heavily.

We decided to hold a conference and Ron's house about what we should do, Fionn also brings his laptop. We end up taking turns on playing on the Desktop and Laptop. I could finally play!

The others had managed to get to level 5 and i was determined to catch up on them.


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