The Pics are: What I done with the spare 200 Flares I got And Cappin the flag in mid-air and winning the Wsg!
The guilt was just too much for me, it may be just a game but it I was dealing with real people. I posted on the forums explaining who I was and that I was sorry, I then logged and left the guild. I was happy to get it off my chest but sad to leave the guild. My forum privilages werent taken away, and every so often I took a peep in them. The next day an officer from the guild replied saying that they knew all along.
I was shocked and extremely happy. I logged in and thanked them for all their kindness and for the second chance. (Could have been third, not sure >.<) I wanted to stop playing so I took a break. But 10 days later I came back and the guild said they would have me back! Everything went back to normal but now I could be open. The game quickly became fun again. Raiding slowed down a bit due to people not being able to make it, so I needed something else to do. My offspec was always PvE arms but i respecced it to pvp. Arms warrior pvp was incredible. After watching some videos from masters like Swifty I had improved. The first day I went all out and grinded Bgs. I got 50k honour and bought the pvp shoulders. I had some spare points from arena and honour so i bought the gloves too. I done this for about a week, and doing Wintergrasp whenever I could. After 8 days I had nearly full hateful. The cape/necklace/boots/rings or deadly and a dew Titan-forged bits. I joined a 2v2 and 3v3 with Drake and Nick and our 2v2 was very successful. Coming close to hot streak withing out first 10 matches, only to lose on our 8th match against a ret pally duo. Our pvp was cut short because of the season change. Since then, Drake leveled up his pally and now we are thinking of making a cleave team. Arms warrior / Ret pally / Holy pally. Just need a ret pally now. We were thinking of asking Val, but he just recently got back from a 3 month break so he needs to gear/ skill up! We tried to do this on the tournament realm but we all played classes we had no experience with. I wanted to have as big advantage as possible so I picked up engineering. 3 days and 3k gold later, here I am grinding the last of the mats I need for Jeeves. I got rocket boots, slowfall cloak and the rocket hands.I also noticed that the Mind control cap
had a nice 45 stam enchant on it, so I replaced it with the 32 stam/ 20 def one. My help now looked like a weird mind cap >.> And i cant hide helm. Looks arent as good as gear, but come on. I dont want to look like an idiot just to get high hp. My first WsG was pretty fun, i got the flag first and waxs running though mid-feild. I say a few melee horde mounting behind me so I thought i would catch them out, I click on my rocket boots and shoot up our tunnel. Laughing to myself I slowly walk onto the flag, waiting for the "The alliance have captured the flag" emote. Nothing happened. My exact words were "OH SHI-" It seems rocket boots removes the flag >.> They are pretty fun to have, but nearly useless. Cant be used in arenas, cant be used while carrying a flag. Only real use to get out of a sticky spot, as long as your not dazed, hamstringed, chained, slowed, frosted..and the list goes on.
It didn't bother me. Archy and I do battlegrounds daily to grind some honour/ badges. He wants the mount, I wanted the honour. Just spent 20k on getting 2 epic gems for my epic butler. If anyone would like to donate 6 Titansteel bars, go ahead ;P
The grind for jeeves wasn't that long. Once I hit 450 I went and got the Scrapbot quest from Storm peaks, and a few frost steel tubes from the striping of mobs. After getting the mats to make 20, i flew back to get Jeeves. After 30 mins, over 200 random greys, a tube, 14 cobalt bolts and 20 Triggers, he dropped. The mats looked reasonable, but I needed to get the other recipes, eg fused wiring, repair bot 74A/110g. Started in Shat to get the fused wiring, then flew to Blades edge. Got it pretty fast and moved to BRD. I got lost and didn't have the key so I killed myself and got the ghost quest. After getting attuned and stuff I got the recipe. After peeking at the mats for both, I needed some OL mats. After a quick google, Khorium Power Core seems to be sold in Netherstorm. Of course when i get there the guy is sold out. I hs and check the ah, Khorium bars / ore are only in stacks and are around 1k gold per <.< I whispered the guy selling them but he didnt want to break them from the stack. I was nearly going to buy them when I checked the guild bank. There were 20 110g bots in there! I took the 10 I needed and deposited the last bit of gold I had. I got Archy to make me some Delicate copper wire for the fused wiring and made the 2 74A bots. Also I got him to craft a titansteel bar since my one was on CD. Now once I get 6 more bars, I have one of the coolest Items in the game!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Rocket Man! [Part 12]
Posted by Sparky at 4:44 AM
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Don't forget about the +24 crit from nitro boost! (BIS !!!!!!!!)
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